Friday, October 14, 2011

At 85 – “What’s Left?”

July 2011

I did a little math and found out this birthday is number 85. All this past year I have said I'm old and 82. That is my reason for things I cannot do. Somehow I lost 3 years. That’s ok because now I can do things at 85 that I could last week at 82!

I reflect on what I have learned in 85 years—it really doesn’t seem like such a long time. I don’t remember the first few years—Monrovia, Indianola, Salt Lake. But I begin to have clarity of events the hospital—Palms—Utah—school in Fairview—taking care of my sister in her time of need. My grandfather and grandmother are clear—and with me always. She telling me to “show a little brass, boy! Speak up.” J.W. showing me how to work and keep going. My cousins in Fairview were like brothers—they showed me country stuff—I told them about airplanes and Hollywood.

My time in different schools, work, etc. Boys’ Market and time in the Navy—my friendship with Paul, Bill, trips with them to Big Bear—all are catalogued like they just happened.

My most beloved companion, Pat, as part of my life is not visible, but with me every day since she said we would wed—and she made me much better than I was.

I suppose we had ups and downs, but they have faded from memory. I remember the joy we had with a family of great kids. Why those special people were given to us, I do not know, only that we were blessed with what the Lord had sent. I am convinced of the gospel—and try to abide the principles—but these four children are my greatest blessing and we are thankful for them. Pat and I often together counted our blessings—and thanked the Lord for them.

It doesn’t seem long ago—so many things have happened—but it was. It has been said that
crisis + time = humor. It must be so—I forget the big problems. The world is a mess. People are mixed up—afraid—greedy. All would be so simple if they followed God’s plan. Happiness is there, not hard to find. Sort out the good—throw out the bad. It’s so much easier a way to live. We have within us the freedom of choice. We are all God’s children.

85 isn’t all bad—we just go slower.

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